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The Chained Warrior Chapter 0: The Mansion of Nababganj Part 1


Nababganj, a village situated in the heart of the Jhargram district of West Bengal, is a village of mainly farmers. Modernity and globalization has not entered in Nababganj properly. Its claim to fame lay in its production of minikit rice and the decaying mansion of the king of Midnapore, which resides a little bit away from village on higher ground locally called tilla. The mansion was mostly covered with trees and bushes because of the lack of maintenance. Nababganj village was fairly populated and home for almost five hundred villagers having various professions such as farmers, potters, grocery business etc. Despite the lack of hospitals, well-paved roads, and modern amenities, Nababganj thrived in its own way. The village also don’t have many motorised vehicles, only two scooters possessed by village chief and doctor and only five people possessed mobile. Nababganj is situated in the vicinity of river Subarnarekha which definitely donated its fair share in Nababganj’s rice production and the well-being of the farmers. Nababganj also had a humble school with dedicated teachers teaching the children of poor farmers. The school was run by Atul Das, the headmaster. Atul has a very tough exterior persona but from inside he loved the children and often paid fees and buy books for the poor students who can’t afford. The village healthcare was taken care of by Kartik, a 38 year old general physician who provided healthcare for a very minimum amount of money. The village also had a huge temple of Lord Shiva, built by the king of Midnapore, was the gathering spot for devotees who worshipped Lord Shiva and chatted on the temple stairs. But Nababganj was not just a collection of landmarks but also its people who live through thick and thin. On an average day farmers are seen in in the fields, the doctor can be seen in his clinic, children can be seen in playing in the village roads and playgrounds, village panchayat chief doing his work in panchayat office, village women are cooking etc. The people and environment of Nababganj was very warm and welcoming although beneath all these there was a darkness that lurks around the corner. Nababganj was run by Satyaki, 41 year old village chief and his wife Ashwini, 35 years old housewife and second administrating head. Satyaki was an introvert; often hiding himself in paperwork while Ashwini was a modern day woman. After finishing the housework Ashwini used to roam around the whole Nababganj and observe people’s problems.


Our story unfolds on a gloomy and cloudy, rain-soaked Friday in Nababganj. It has rained very heavily on the previous day. After the morning prayer session, all students went to their classrooms and their playful sounds were buzzing in the whole school. All the teachers went to their respective classes and started teaching. The headmaster, Atul also went to class seven to teach biology. Suddenly, one of the student’s voices was heard more than the buzz of the entire school. Mithun, a student came running to the class while screaming and urgently calling the headmaster.


Mithun, "Sir... Sir... please, come quickly outside of the school gate."

Atul, "What's the matter? Is this another way to skip class? Ahhhh….Where will you go after school sometimes really makes me think."


Mithun,"No, sir, please, just come. It’s your daughter, it’s Anjali."

Atul: “what?”


Atul rushed outside the school only to find the most gruesome sight he has ever scene. His thirteen year old daughter's head impaled on a stick, her eyes gouged out, mouth opened, as if she died while screaming. The rest of her body was reduced to bones scattered around the stick. The bones have no human flesh remaining as if they were cleaned very carefully. Her torn out cloths were on her bones. Many kids who watched it started vomiting as well as the teachers.

The police arrived to investigate the gruesome crime. The headmaster's wife, Rekha was inconsolable, screaming and shouting in grief while Atul was sitting on the ground aimlessly looking at sky. The village chief’s wife, Ashwini attempted to console her, but no one can control or comfort her. Amid the commotion, a student, Rohan said to the officer, "Sir, I saw her this morning, wearing the same dress which you can see here, heading towards tilla. I called out to her, but she didn't respond."

The village doctor, Kartik came to the scene in his scooter and suddenly fell down on the ground feeling dizzy. Doctor said to everyone who came to hold him, "I am okay, I am okay. Her bones look like it has been someone stripped all the flesh from it, does anyone know what can do this? Has it ever happened here before? Any idea if it is an animal or not?"

Overhearing this in the crowd, the headmaster screamed and demanded, "Tell me, what this animal is? Has this ever happened before?"

The village chief, Satyaki stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on the headmaster's shoulder, and said, "Nothing, nothing at all. You should go rest now. We will handle this. Please, tend to your wife."

Ashwini went to talk with the police. The village priest, Balaram and his wife, Shukla tended Atul and Rekha and took them home. Ashwini then called everyone in the village to come down in the village panchayat in the evening to have some discussion.

Satyaki came over to the doctor and said, ‘What has gotten into you. Why are you acting so brazenly? Just go home, let me tackle this situation. Don’t make it worse now.’

Kartik, “A kid died horribly and you want to tackle the situation. Okay, I am leaving but I want speak with you privately.”

Kartik left the scene but started limping and wandering around the village. Police wrapped up all the bones, sent them for forensics and left the village. Fear festered among the villagers. Later that evening, everyone gathered in the village panchayat including Kartik. Kartik’s wife, Champa called him from the crowd and said, “where were you all day, you were not in the clinic, did not eat or take rest, have you gone mad. Why are you limping? Let us go home now.”

Kartik, “Don’t worry everything is fine.”

Shukla, “We should all pray toward Lord Shiva, we should arrange a big yagya (Worship)"

Suddenly Ashwini came in front of everyone and said loudly, “Uff Shukla don’t confuse people right now. Why would you want us to waste money on a lavish program and also I have repeatedly told you not to chant mantras using the loud speakers, children are studying. Now, everyone listen up. A very sad thing happened today. Best just forget and start everything from beginning from tomorrow. Go home now.”

Kartik, “That’s it, is this a joke? Is this how you will be ending this discussion?”

Satyaki, “What do you want us to do? Neither we are police nor brave enough to go hunt whatever animal did that.Why are you so insensitive today in front of Atul and why are you still limping. Did you fell that hard today?”

Kartik, “don’t worry about me. But we should at least group together and find the animal or the culprit ourselves.”

Balaram, “I also think we should do a little bit more, police doesn’t know about our village. We should at least go to tilla and look for ourselves tomorrow.”

Kartik, “Yes, Let us do that, but why tomorrow, why not do it now.”

Everyone became a little bit sceptical, but agreed while thinking about Atul and his wife and how they were crying. Ashwini said a little bit angrily, “Don’t go to tilla, the mansion is kind of broken, even if something was there why do you want to go now, the sun will be setting in just few seconds and it will be completely dark.”

Satyaki, “No, we have to do it for Atul. He has done a lot for everyone. Everyone let’s group together in the temple from here and start our journey.”

Ashwini, “Okay, then come back safely once you are done. Kartik you go home to your wife now. You are way too hard on yourself, go take rest. I am not going to go to temple, way to tired.”

Everyone reluctantly agreed and made a group of 15 person group led by Satyaki and went toward tilla and the mansion. All the women went to their respective household. Kartik went to his house with his wife. On the way he fell down again as his wife supported him.

Kartik, “What is the time now? It should be morning.”

Champa, “have you gone mad? Why would it be morning?”

Kartik, “I, I don’t know. It’s like I saw everything and know everything that happened today but I was not…not the one doing it. I am feeling very strange now. Saying it sounds more…”

A sudden gust of wind blew everything away in the village. It was blowing in the entire village.

Champa, “I think a storm is approaching. We should hurry, go back home. We will talk tomorrow.”

Kartik started to walk properly and took his wife to home as fast as he can. The night fell as the sky became darker. Satyaki, Balaram and the rest of the group burned some torches to drive away the animals. They arrived in tilla in only 15 minutes. They started searching everything in the higher ground and in the broken down mansion to find some sort of clue. The weather above tilla started to change. There was no gushing air like the village but dark clouds started to fill the entire tilla as all the light from the torches became pale in front of the darkness of the night. The 15 people band together and combined whatever light they have so they can see the path and get back to the village. The wolves started to howl and the mansion area became colder.

Satyaki said, “Oh Lord Mahadev, what is this dark cloud, it feels like it is breathing on my shoulder.”

Balaram started chanting Hanuman Chalisa aggressively to keep the moral of the group high as all of them were banding together being afraid of the wolves. Suddenly, a weird high pitch screaming sound coming from the bushes scared every one out of their wits. One of the villagers threw his torch towards the jungle. But the torch was quickly extinguished by a something crawling. The villagers saw a silhouette of a huge animal in the dark clouds crawling in the bushes which scared everyone. All of them ran away from the tilla as some villagers started screaming and saying it’s a snake demon. Satyaki fell down on mud. Afraid of his own life, he started to crawl in the mud to get out. During this time he found a torn out picture which he could not see properly so he put it in his pocket in hurry. But at the same time the snake creature suddenly took huge leap with its open mouth towards Satyaki. Balaram jumped in front of Satyaki with his rudraksh necklace in his hands aggressively chanting mantras and slokas. As Balaram collided with the snake both of him and Satyaki fell a little further away as all of the villagers ran away leaving them in the dark. The creature seemed hurt from touching the rudraksh, recoiled and screamed. Both Satyaki and Balaram ran for their lives and went away from the creature as far as possible. 

All the villagers came back into the village and grouped in the panchayat as the wind stopped blowing. Balaram and Satyaki also returned in the panchayat where all of their family members were already present and waiting for them eagerly. All of them shared everything about their encounter and decided to gather more people and ambush the creature next day with the police and forest department. Rohan was the son of Balaram observed someone sitting on the tree branch as they were talking and vanished quickly. Ashwini saw and dismissed it by saying, “may be it was a cat.”

She looked at Rohan very curiously. She also asked him, “You saw Anjali in her last time right. How did she look?”

Rohan, “She looked like she had dark aura coming from her.”

Ashwini, “dark aura, yeah right, and…”

Satyaki, “What are you on about woman. Let’s go home. We are at war now. Do you know how much work we have to do tomorrow.”

Everyone left the panchayat to their respective homes and slept for the entire night.

Next day at 9 pm, a typical Saturday starts with birds chirping, sky filled with gloomy clouds, the farmers going to their fields, fishermen going to the nearby Subarnarekha river. Kartik woke up from the sound of kitchen as his wife was cooking and his daughter studying.

Champa, “Are you feeling okay?”

Kartik, “Yes. I have to go to panchayat and warn everyone.”

Champa, “What? What happened to panchayat and everyone?”

Kartik mumbling, “They encountered something vicious. I was trying to find it last night but it hides very well, I thought if I lured most of the men towards that mansion then it would come for the women and children in this village. But instead it went towards the men. That means this thing is too attached with….”

Champa, “Something vicious, women and children. what is going on? What are you saying? I think I should take you to city hospitals for check-up.”

Kartik, “Don’t worry, let me go. I will take care of everything.”

Champa, “Hey, Hey, come eat something first, your legs still did not heal properly.”

Kartik started walking and limping towards the panchayat to meet with everyone. On the way he collided with Atul who was buys fish from market.

Atul, “Hey, doctor, My wife was having a little bit headache, could you please come over to my home to do some check-up.”

Kartik, “How was she? How are you holding up now?”

Atul, “pretty good! It’s just a headache.”

Kartik, “What about your daughter?”

Atul, “What? I don’t have a daughter. Don’t you know it? What has gotten into you?”

Kartik was surprised but he did not talk more. He also felt a surprising normalised behaviour around him in the village even after so many so things happened yesterday.

Atul, “okay doc. See you later.”

Kartik walked towards the panchayat house and saw priest Balaram starting his morning ritual in the temple, teacher starting to come to schools, kids running around in the fields, women were cooking. Satyaki in his motor bike came to panchayat and called him.

Satyaki, “hey Kartik, where are you going? What happened to your leg?”

Kartik, “What happened to your face and wrists? I can see many bruises on you.”

Satyaki, “yeah, yeah. I don’t even know how, even Balaram and others were talking about having scratches and scars in the morning. Is this like a new infection of some kind?”

Kartik, “Probably some water problem, may be contaminated; I will send it for examination.”

Satyaki, “Okay, let’s go to the city one day. I wanted to buy something for Ashwini too. I hardly give anything to her. She also doesn’t ask for anything.”

Satyaki while talking checks his pocket in his pant and got a torn up picture which Kartik also noticed. Kartik mumbled with a very low voice, “I know what is going on.”

Kartik suddenly hears a whisper in his ear, “Do you really?”

Suddenly the weather started to change drastically as dark clouds surrounded the entire skies of Nababganj.

Satyaki, “Hey Kartik you want to come inside. I think a storm is approaching again.”

Kartik, “No I am going to head out.”

Again Kartik starts to hear the demonic whisper, “you will face the consequence.”

Kartik starts to run faster even though he can’t walk properly. Entire Nababganj became dark as midnight but completely vacant without any living being. Temple, market, and fields everything became completely empty. Kartik fell down on road screaming, “What is going on?”

He hears two types of whisper in his ear repeatedly, “get out of this place with your family.” and “you can’t run from me.”

Kartik ran to his home as his limping suddenly got cured. He ran and forced his wife, who was worshipping in home and children to sit in his scooter while the sky was becoming darker. Suddenly, a gushing wind started to blow in Nababganj uprooting many trees on the roads but Kartik ran his scooter very fast. A thunder strike broke a huge a tree that almost hit kartik and his family but within an inch of distance from falling down on their scooter, the tree broke into two parts from the middle which let them escape. As they crossed the Nababganj area and outran the storm, Kartik stopped his vehicle and looked back. What he saw made him and his family cry in fear. He saw a huge towering 40 meter tall dark cloud made silhouette of a half-human half-snake like creature. Its huge hands were holding the village below and its half body and tail was circling the village like it was wrapping the village. Kartik heared a final whisper telling him, “How far do you think you can go?”

Kartik Also remembered many things about the village which somehow he has forgotten. But he didn’t want to return so he started his vehicle and ran away from the village for the safety of his family. So he thought about securing his family first and then tries contacting Satyaki through phone.

After some moment the storm stopped, everyone came out of their homes. The village looked completely destroyed with many trees uprooted on the street. The electricity wires were broken on many places. Ashwini came out seeking Satyaki, “Hey, are you okay? Is the panchayat house okay? Electricity?”

Satyaki, “Yeah, yeah, but I was feeling very odd. It’s like I became unconscious, couldn’t hear or talk for some moment, and became conscious after the skies cleared up.”

Ashwini, “ehh…you slept again in office. Possibly dreamt some weird dream right? Okay I am leaving since you’re okay but you call the electricity supply office.”

Suddenly some people started screaming and calling Satyaki. Balaram was also with them.

Balaram, “Something very terrible has happened. Come to the school ground.”

When they reached in school they saw Atul and Rekha’s decapitated head impaled on two adjacent sticks, their eyes gouged out, mouth opened, as if they died while screaming. The rest of their bodies got reduced to bones scattered around the sticks. The bones have no human flesh remaining as if they were cleaned very carefully. Their torn out cloths were on her bones.”

Balaram, “What could have done this? What animal is capable of this?”

All the villagers were stunned and terrified of this incident. Ashwini threw up after watching this. Sukla started to cry. The police were called. They gathered all the bones and send for forensic. Satyaki started to force people to clear the premises so the police and others can do their job.

At noon in panchayat, as police were about to leave, Ashwini said, “I am going to the police station to speak with the sub inspector. You go home and eat. I have made food. Okay”

Satyaki, “What would I do without you. But I have lost all my appetite after seeing Atul and Rekha like that. You know how close we were. I can’t wrap my head around.”

Ashwini, “It is time like this when you have to clear your head and do what is right. You know I don’t think it is a good time to say this but some good doctors in here. Kartik is not enough. How about we build a proper healthcare centre in here?”

Satyaki, “Where, We don’t have any space. None of the farmers will give their plots.”

Ashwini, “I am thinking about removing the temple from the middle, shifting it somewhere else and make our healthcare centre here.”

Satyaki, “What, People will eat me here.”

Ashwini held Satyaki with her two arms, while he was sitting in the chair, “Look just give it a thought, we can talk to the villagers together.”

Ashwini left with the police van. At afternoon Satyaki became quit tired, but he still sat in panchayat office to take care of his official works.   

Suddenly his landline phone started to rang. Satyaki picked it up and said, “Hello, Nababganj panchayat office, who is this?”

In a very faint sound it said, “it’s me Kartik, I can’t reach anyone in their mobile and I don’t know think I have much time. Don’t fall sleep…”

What Kartik said stunned and terrified Satyaki, but their conversation was cut short as the line went static and died. Ashwini came back from the police station.

Satyaki said, “You baffled me.”

Ashwini, “I did not think that was going to happen.”

Satyaki with fear said, “I am going to discuss some things with the villagers. It’s about our safety. Um…I also have to go to temple and meet with Balaram. Why don’t you head back home and wait for me.”

Ashwini, “Okay. You go ahead, I am tired, so”

Satyaki, “no, no. you don’t need to go there.”

Satyaki spent sometime in the panchayat as he was trying his best to find out old papers. Ashwini left for home. Satyaki then went to the temple to speak with Balaram and Shukla who takes care of the temple and also worship Lord Shiva. Satyaki entered in the inside the main temple room where Balaram and Shukla was cleaning the temple and preparing to worship and closed the door. Balram and Shukla were a little bit taken away by Satyaki. He calls both of them. Balaram approached but suddenly fell on the ground. Then he stood up and started limping.

Balaram, “I am okay, no need to look at me.”

Shukla, “what is the matter elder brother? What happened?”

Satyaki brings out the torn picture from his pocket and showed it to Balaram. Shukla did not understand, Balaram just watched silently. Satyaki pulled some more papers and pictures from inside of his shirt and explained the situation.

Balaram, “call everyone Satyaki and let them know what you know. You drive her away completely from the village. Remember they are always afraid of good and god.” 

Balaram suddenly lost his composure and fell in the ground again. Satyaki, “Are you really alright. Well even I am not alright. What are you trying to say?”

Balaram, “I don’t know what happened but I felt very strange for a moment like I am imprisoned. But I saw my son’s face in my mind. Where is he? Where is Rohan?

Satyaki, “Calm down, Calm down. Our lord maybe showing us the right path.”

Balaram, “No, No, I think my son is in grave danger. I have to go find him.”

Satyaki, “Wait, I need to show you something, it’s about your father and the rest of the villagers who went missing.”

Satyaki uses the loudspeakers connected in the temple to call out the whole village, “I know all of you are terrified of what happened today. What if I tell you that this has happened to us not once but many times now. I know you may be confused hearing this but we have to fight against an ancient evil. We want all of you to come together. All the people of Nababganj, listen very carefully, there is a very powerful demon amongst us who killed many of our people and then made us forget about each of them. This entity can’t enter in the temple. So everyone come here. Don’t listen to anyone who suggests you anything else. This entity is very good at controlling minds. So, everyone come to the temple as fast as possible.”

Everyone in the village hearing this started to gather in the village temple which made the temple over crowded.

1 day ago, after the mansion expedition when the whole nababganj were sleeping soundly, Rohan had a very strange dream. In this dream, Rohan found himself in a completely dark and empty place. He became very afraid and started to call his parents with all his strength. When no one listened to him he just sat down and started to cry heavily. In reality, Rohan had tears rolling down from his eyes as he was sleeping. In the dream, Rohan got afraid of the never ending dark but soon he realised that it couldn’t be completely dark as he could see himself. He realised that he is glowing even in dark and his glow was increasing as he realising it more and more. Suddenly all the dark and emptiness went away and he found himself in Nababganj temple. In front of him, he saw someone who looks exactly like him, bowing down to the idle of Lord Shiva and praying with his eyes closed.

Rohan hesitantly asked, “Who…who are you?”

The Rohan look-alike said, “I am your conscience.”

Rohan, “Really, I have never spoken with my conscience before, so do you understand my confusion.”

The Rohan look-alike, “At this point you have noticed something about your village right.”

Rohan, “Yes, nothing is right in my village.”

The Rohan look-alike, “I know you guessed it right now, who is doing it and it is not even the first time this happened in this village.”

Rohan, “I don’t know. All this looks and sounds very unreal. Is that really a demon of some kind that my father and others faced today?”

The Rohan look-alike, “Why are you asking me? You said it yourself you saw some dark aura, your father saw a huge creature and all the villagers saw a bones of the little girl.”

Rohan, “little girl? Her name is Anjali, don’t you know it, she’s my classmate. You know for my conscience, you sure are talking like an entirely different person.”

The Rohan look-alike, “yeah, yeah. That’s not the issue here. It’s you saying you saw a dark aura coming out of Anjali. You shouldn’t have said it. I think the demon will target you.”

Rohan, “No, what will it get by targeting me. I have nothing. Anjali was brilliant. Even chief and his wife gave her prize because of her good grades. I saw her today in the morning going towards tilla. If I only would stop her, none of this would have happened.”

The Rohan look-alike, “So do you think that thing possessed her or brainwashed her in anyway.”

Rohan, “Now that you have said it I feel like I should warn others about this.”

The Rohan look-alike, “you don’t need to, I will take care of it. I just wanted to warn you. Remember even in the darkest of the places you conscience will always stay by your side and it will glow to show you the right path.”

Rohan, “What do you mean you wanted to warn? Are you really my conscience?”

Rohan woke up in the morning but he feels very tired of the last night dream. In the morning he also felt a surprisingly normalised behaviour among the people as no one was talking about the death of Anjali or grouping up to fight the demon. Suddenly he saw a rapid change of weather and village doctor limping fast to reach in his home. Suddenly Rohan hears a very faint whisper, “Run home.” Without questing he ran to his home as the skies became dark. He stood in the door and saw trees being uprooted by the strong wind. After few minutes, he also saw Kartik with his family, in his scooter running as fast as he can. He tried to scream and tell them to come in his home and wait for the storm to pass but they left so fast Rohan’s voice couldn’t even reach them. The rain started to pour very heavily. Rohan came back inside of his home to tell this to his mother, Shukla as she was cutting vegetable. Rohan called his mother again and again but she did not respond and became completely still. The electricity went out and everything became dark. Rohan slowly approached his mother in the dark. He turned his mother towards himself and became frightened by what he saw. Rohan saw his mother’s eyes which became completely white which can be seen even in dark. She had no expressions nor she was making any movement. Rohan understood that the demon has somehow brainwashed the entire village. So, he came out of his home in the rain and started going to other’s homes to find who was not hypnotised. He found his father in the same way in the tee stall opposite to the village market. Finally, he went to Atul’s home only to find him standing at the door, still as if he was about to go outside. Rekha was standing behind him and both of their eyes were white. Atul’s house was at the corner of the village. With a big front and backyard Atul’s house was definitely bigger than most of the villagers in Nababganj. Rohan was shaking Atul and calling him and suddenly he came in his senses. The rain stopped and everyone in the village also came to their senses. Atul seeing Rohan, became very surprised as when he came to his home and what happened even he doesn’t know. The sky was still dark. Both Atul and Rekha were surprised seeing Rohan, so they took him inside the house and closed the door.

Atul, “What happened to you?”

Rekha, “Were there a storm?”

Rohan, “Sir, I know this will sound very strange. But a demon has controlled everyone’s mind, everyone became like a doll with white eyes, no one remembers the death of your daughter or the creature.”

Both Atul and Rekha looked at each other and started laughing. Atul said, “What are you saying? Take a deep breath, relax. What creature, demon, my daughter. You know today even Kartik was saying the same thing to me.”

Rekha, “I think you have seen some dream. Although I am not going to lie, I still don’t remember much about how the storm started which was weird.”

Rohan, “Sir, aunty, believe me, you had a daughter named Anjali. Aunty, you used to call her Anju. She was the topper of my class. A demon killed her yesterday.”

Rekha, “Anju, the name, the …the name does sound familiar.”

Atul, “What non-sense Rekha.”

Rekha, “No..wait”

Rekha took Atul and bolted towards the farthest corner of the backyard of the house where they see bunch of clothes, pictures, papers completely burned.

Rekha, “Today at morning, after I woke up I found these. I thought some drunkard may have come at midnight and done this. Look at this half burned drawing.”

Atul sees a funny looking drawing of four people in a house over a mountain. Two little kids holding hands with two elderly people standing on flowers. Their names were written beside them, Atul, Rekha, Anju and Samu. The dark clouds became quite concentrated over Atul’s home. Atul and Rekha came back inside with Rohan and the drawing.

Atul mumbling with tears in his eyes, “Anju, Samu…Samu, Samu…Samar, Anjali….It’s our kids.”

Rekha, “Kids, but why can’t I remember them completely.”

Rohan, “This is what I have been saying. It is that demon that kills people and let us forgets about them. It also changes its appearance and control minds.”

Rekha, “We should warn everyone but how do you know all these?”

A dark entity in the shadows said in demonic voice, “Because he has his grandfather’s abilities.”

Both Atul and Rekha started screaming seeing the demon who was slowly coming towards Rohan. The demon was wearing a saree, has a muscular body, long arm and nails, a complete dark bluish body with grey hair and white eyes. The face of the demon was very grotesque as it has a long nose, sharp teeth and white eyes. It said, “I can give you your memory back, you should have it before you die.”

Suddenly Atul and Rekha remembered everything about their son and daughter. The happy times they spent together and their deaths. Both their son and daughter’s body was found the same way near school and after their deaths it was Atul and Rekha who burned everything of their kids while being possessed. They also remember that their son died only one month ago and the half burned picture was done by him which was left accidentally in the first time. But after Anjali died, Atul and Rekha, took the picture and burned with rest of Anjali’s clothes but somehow it didn’t burn completely.

Rekha screamed in fraustration, “How can you be so cruel. You made me forget about my kids. I will kill you demon.”

Atul held Rohan and stood in front of him while saying, “Leave us demon.”

The demon, “because you insulted me in front of everyone and now pay the price.”

Rekha screaming, “What are you saying demon?”

Demon, “Nababganj is mine, you are my animals, I raised you and I will kill you according to my will.”

Rekha screaming “Leave us, leave us alone.”

The demon suddenly extended its head very fast, opened its mouth to bite Rekha but Atul came in front of her. The demon bite off Atul’s hand and ate it. Atul screamed in pain and stabbed the demon’s head with vegetable cutting knife near him. The demon stopped for a few second and transform in to its previous form. Atul while screaming in pain, pushed Rekha and Rohan to go to another room. Before Atul can enter the room the demon very quickly extended its head and bit his shoulder. Atul understanding he doesn’t have any chance of survival, closed the door covering the door with his body. Rekha with the keyhole saw, the demon ripping Atul’s head from his body. Rekha with grave sadness and pain decided to act strong and understood that Rohan was the real target of that demon. First she pushed a heavy desk towards the door so the demon couldn’t open it. She threw a chair from the room to the window to shatter it. As the window broke Rekha tried her best to clean the glass shards.

Rekha, “Son, run to the village and tell them what happened in here. I will try my best to hold that demon.”

Rohan, “Aunty, come with me please, please I beg you.”

Suddenly, two huge hand broke the wall beside the door.

The demon laughing maniacally saying, “I can see you.”

Rekha threw Rohan out of the window. Rohan fell on the ground and got some scars by some of the broken window glasses. Rohan watches from outside the window as the demon holds Rekha with its two hands and ripped her head with her mouth. Rohan in the front yard screamed and called for everyone but no one was able to hear him. Rohan tried to run but near the gate his leg was caught by a demon hand coming from below the ground. The demon slowly pulled him inside the ground. Rohan saw many people outside of the gate but no one was able to hear him. Rohan with all his might screamed to people and beg them to save him yet no one came for his rescue. As all of Rohan’s body aside from his head and hands went inside the ground, he started to cry for his parents and used all his strength to scream one last time. He started to faint and before completely going inside the ground he felt a sensation of strong wind blowing towards him and someone holding his hands.

(to be continued)

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