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The Chained Warrior Chapter 0: The Mansion of Nababganj Part 2

Rohan slowly starts to regain his sense as he was called by someone. A faint whisper coming in Rohan’s ear saying, “don’t be afraid, I am here.”

Rohan started to cry, “Who is that?”

The whisperer said, “Be strong”

Rohan felt a little bit relieved as for a moment in his heart he felt he was not alone. Rohan found himself in a huge a mansion, candle light shining everywhere. As he looks above the mansion was seen to have infinite number of stairs going to infinite number of mansion floors above the ground floor. The grand staircase was in the middle of the room. Rohan saw outside of the mansion window and found its night time. There are big portrays of king of Midnapore and his ancestors. But on one side of the mansion he saw the biggest portrait which made him stunned and surprised.

Meanwhile, Satyaki showed the picture to the villagers and said, “This is the picture I found in my pocket. It’s a bit old but you can see everyone very clearly. So, I always keep a copy of every detail in a secluded area if it was needed for anything. The previous chief before leaving Nababganj with his whole family taught me that. After seeing this picture I started digging the old files kept in secluded area, voter list and our village residence list. I found other very old pictures of this creature. This creature has a very strong power. She can alter our memories, but cannot change our decision making or ideas. For instance I forgot about everyone this evil has killed over the year but I did remember about keeping one copy of each record and details stored for future which that evil never knew.”

Satyaki became a little emotional and with tears he said, “Kartik called me and reminded me that my wife is dead and she was found exactly how we found Atul and Rekha today and how I cried that day. The following day this evil took the role of my wife altering my memory. This evil never changed her appearance and temple is the only place we will remain secure for the time being.”

In the mansion Rohan screams, “Ashwini a..a..aunty.”

A high pitched laugh echoed in the whole mansion; some of the candles went out and then started to burn again.

Rohan again hears a whisper, “don’t be afraid, find safe place.”

Meanwhile in temple, Satyaki, “This picture belongs to the previous chief of this village. Here is his entire family. Beside the chief, is his wife Ashwini. I got a call from Kartik, who is now out of the village as the demon attacked him and his entire family. He said how many other villagers lost their lives in this village the very same way. That demon killed Atul’s whole family and many others. She keeps their remains like that near the school gate. Everytime this happens police came but Ashwini somehow brainwash them and make them forget about everything. Kartik saw Ashwini taking all the remains and evidences by hypnotizing police and dump them in the river. As per these documents your father’s body was also found like that ten years ago. At this moment even I don’t have the full idea of how many people are killed by her.”

Balaram, “Hey lord Shiva, please help us destroy this evil.”

Shukla, “How will we fight this evil.”

Balaram, “I thought in my mind why my father abandoned me in my childhood. But now I understand he was also killed by that evil entity. These scars we have, we got it from the same place didn’t we. But I can’t remember where. I think it is the mansion cause in my mind I saw some visions of my son being trapped in a ruined place and it keeps saying drive her to the mansion. I don’t know what it means.”

Satyaki, “Kartik also said the same, that mansion. That is where the evil resides. It is also blocking all kinds of wired and wireless communication devices with outside of the village.”

Some villagers then understand why most of the time they can’t communicate with their relatives living outside of the villages. At this time, the temple became filled with people and people were running out of places to stand. Everyone for their own safety were coming to the temple and even holding the temple walls out of fears.

Satyaki, “We need to destroy that mansion as soon as possible.”

Shukla, “It is almost night. That creature can still attack us again if we go home.”

Balaram, “I am not afraid. I need to confront that evil. I have to see if my son is really in that mansion trapped by the evil.”

The sun was going down and the sky became blood red. Even the crows were not cawing that evening. The whole village was completely vacant but the temple was filled with people as all of them were afraid of their safety. At this time, all the people understood that it was Ashwini who was deceiving them. Suddenly, everyone in the temple started to hear a loud humming sound. Ashwini was skipping like a kid and coming towards the temple humming like nothing has happened. She stopped near the temple and looked at the villagers and said, “Look at all of you, why not go to your home and live like nothing have happened. Just go and sleep. Today was a very busy and tiring day. Just go home and you will forget about everything tomorrow, I promise.”

Some villagers screamed and called Satyaki and Balaram from inside the temple. Satyaki came outside and stopped at the temple stairs. He said, “How dare you stand here and act like nothing has happened.”

Ashwini, “Did anything happen really. Do you think this is the first time you knew about me. You think that picture you got from the mud, I didn’t know about it or your spare copies of documents. Yes, I knew about everything and yes I killed your wife too. I always love the way you use your detective skills and find out what I did. It’s like watching bunch of ants group together and caring a heavy load. Now go home, or many people will die today. What you do not understand is that I am everywhere in Nababganj. I can kill anyone in any way I desire.”

Satyaki hearing this doubts himself. He thinks maybe it will be a better idea to surrender. What can someone do in front of such malevolent power? Satyaki slowly started to come down from stairs. Balaram screams, “Satyaki don’t do it. We are all with you. We will fight her. Don’t lose hope. Demon what did you do with my boy.”

Ashwini, “Oh, how did you know that I have your son? Don’t worry tomorrow you won’t remember that you have a child. Satyaki come to me and I will make everything better like always.”

Satyaki, “Just take my life instead of Balaram’s kid.”

Ashwini, “Do you think it is a bargain. I want his soul. When I want your soul I will take it like the previous chief. I also took the role of his wife and mother to his children after killing his wife. I killed all of them didn’t I, to make you the new chief. Don’t worry I have been doing these for many years.”

Satyaki became very afraid but his moral dilemma increased quite a fold. At one side he was thinking that going to war against a demon such as her would cost a lot of life. On the other hand there is Rohan who needs to be saved. Balaram started to go towards Ashwini to fight with her with bare hands. Satyaki held him back so that he doesn’t leave the temple premise. Ashwini laughs at the villagers as all of them were afraid of their lives.

Suddenly a splash of water fell on Ashwini’s face. Ashwini from laughter started to scream in pain. Her skin started to peel off from her face. More water was splashed on her which made her real face appear in front of everyone as she cried in pain. Kartik and his family have come back to the village. They had Gangajal (Holy Ganges river water) which they splashed on Ashwini relentlessly. Ashwini’s face and body started to burn, she fell on the ground and started writhing and twisting her body. Kartik and his family quickly went to stand at temple stairs, handed the Ganges water to everyone and told them to splash this water on all the villagers.

Ashwini screamed and said, “The audacity you have.”

Slowly her true appearance came out infront of everyone. Her hair became grey, eyes became white, and skin became dark. Her teeth became bigger, sharper and came out of her mouth. Two additional fangs came out from her cheek and her arms became muscular. She grew her body up to almost 10 ft. She stood infront of the villagers and started to scream, “look what you did, you scarred me, how dare you give me a scar. I will kill every one of you. Man, woman and children, no one will be speared.”

Mithun, who was only a kid, became angry with Ashwini, went to the idle of Lord Shiva, took the Trishul(Weapon of Lord Shiva) called Satyaki and threw towards him. Shukla came to Kartik and Champa gave them drums and sankh respectively. She took the large temple bell.

Satyaki with the Trishul in his hand, and clear of all the dilemma said, “We are not afraid anymore.”

 Suddenly, Kartik, Champa and Shukla all of them started to play their instruments loudly. Balaram started to chant mantras. Ashwini became weaker and started to retreat slowly. The villagers started chanting simultaneously, “Har Har Mahadev.” Satyaki ran towards her and tried to stab her with Trishul, but she became a smoke.

The whole village was dark, Balaram told everyone to mark their house with the symbol of Shiva “Om \” with the red sindur from temple. Balaram came in the middle of the village and arranged huge loud speakers and chanted mantras. Kartik loudly spoke at everyone and said, remember we have to destroy her tonight otherwise tomorrow we may not live. Kartik went to his house to mark it. Ashwini was appearing infront of him and disappearing simultaneously by the sound of mantras, which made Kartik more determined. Ashwini also tried to attack other villagers afraid but once the villagers mark their homes and splashed holy Ganges water, she vanished almost instantly. A dark smoke was rising from the village and going towards the mansion which made everyone understood where she was hiding. Everyone started to remember about their lost loved ones killed by Ashwini. People were fuming over Ashwini and how she deceived everyone in the village.

Satyaki screamed towards all the villagers, “We will burn this evil today. Who’s with me?”

All the villagers gather in the centre of the village screamed, “Har Har Mahadev.”

Everyone in the village kids, elderly and women, started to go towards the mansion with burning torches and their god’s idle and other religious symbol. Balaram took his rudraksh necklace in his hands and started to chant Shiva mantra and Hanuman Chalisa. Everyone wanted to avenge their loved ones.

Meanwhile in mansion, Rohan found a lady wearing a saree, cleaning the ground floor with a broom beside the grand staircase. Since she Rohan can see her from her backside, Rohan called her, “Can you please turn this way and tell me how to get out from here.”

Lady, “Why, should I listen to you? You are the reason this happened.”

Rohan from her voice and saree identified her as Rekha and so he called her with all the joy in his heart, “Rekha aunty, you survived. Thank god, I thought I saw that demon killed you, might be my mistake.”

Rekha turns over toward Rohan and all of Rohan’s joy turned into fear. Rekha was missing both his eyes and her shoulder and ribcage was divided vertically into two pieces from where blood was dropping.

She screamed and said “I was killed because of you. Do you know what that evil did to me.”

She ripped her head with one hand started to walk towards Rohan holding her head. This traumatized Rohan so much he pissed himself and stood in fear silently.

Rohan hears a whisper again, “Run now.”

Rohan started running towards the upper floors and stumbled into a dark room on the second floor. He saw a girl of his age playing with a ball. Rohan called her, “Anjali?”

The girl looked back towards Rohan and said, “yes.”

Rohan, “oh my god, Anjali, I remember seeing your….”

Anjali, “Want to play catch with me.”

Rohan hears the whisper again, “run”

Rohan being very afraid and cautious said, “Okay”

Rohan and Anjali started to play catch with the ball. After five minutes Rohan saw a small centipede near his feet which made him scream. Anjali laughed and said, “What happened? You don’t like centipedes. I had so many animals in my farm you know.”

Rohan, “Who likes a centipede.”

Anjali, “I do.”

Rohan with a little bit disgust said, “What?”

Anjali came and lifted the centipede in her hands and said with an enthusiasm said, “Marvellous creature they are. Look how they walk. Do you know how they hunt? They bite their prey so fast, don’t even give them time to think. Just one bite is enough to kill their prey. I used to tell that to my husband too, the king of Midnapore, the king. That makes me the queen right, but no, I am just a mistress.”

Rohan understood it was not Anjali, it was the demon, So, when she was busy with the centipede Rohan ran the other way and came inside a grand hall and found a lot of people in there. Suddenly, Atul came and hold Rohan’s hand and took him to a corner.

Atul, “What are you doing here,”

Rohan started crying, “Uncle, save me, save me please.”

Atul, “many people are here. Yes, my child, soon the whole Nababganj will be in this room too.”

Saying this suddenly Atul’s eyes vanished. Rohan got so much scared that he started to shake. He did not even have any energy to run, so he starts to accept his faith. Suddenly he hear a whisper again, “Don’t lose”

Suddenly an old bald headed person wearing a dhoti and shawl held him in his arms, lifted him and started to run towards the ground floor. The rooms started to change.

Rohan, “Who are you? Please let me go.”

The old man while running said, “What are you doing here? I have many things to tell you and it is the grace of Lord Shiva that you are alive. Once a soul is consumed by her, it becomes a part of her. She did not consume my soul but trapped me inside of this mansion after she killed me. It has been 10 long year since I have seen you, Rohan.”

Rohan being emotional says, “Grandpaaa…”

The old man stopped in one corner and said, “She usually spreads all her energy around the village. That’s how she is everywhere and is able to control everyone’s mind. She is gathering all her power, very soon she will wipe out the entire village, you must go from here and live. I will find a way for you to escape. You tell the villagers to leave this village as soon as possible if it is possible. There is not much time.”

Rohan hears the whisper, “Ask about her and her powers.”

Rohan, “Grandpa, who is she? What does she want? How should we stop her?”

Grandpa, “She is unstoppable, she is an evil spirit. She has at least consumed hundred people, body and soul.”

Rohan, “What do you mean body and soul grandpa.”

Grandpa, “When she ate a person’s body and soul, our soul gives her energy like fuel while our flesh becomes part of her flesh which gave her demonic appearance. I don’t think you have yet seen her real form and I don’t want you too, so you are leaving.”

Rohan heard a whisper, “Listen to your grandfather and leave.”

Rohan, “No, we have to kill it; I have seen its power and what it can do. This demon can absolutely kill everyone. Grandfather please tells me more about this demon.”

Grandfather, “First, she is not a demon, she is a spirit like me. She trapped me inside of her body and made me watch how he killed people over the years. After king of midnapore, she took the role of the wife of every village chief, altering people’s memories, killing whoever she wanted according to her will. 1 month ago Atul, the headmaster wanted to bring some government people who would bring some policies to which she said no as she didn’t want too many outside people entering this village. Atul insulted her in front of the whole village because of this. In revenge, she ate him and his whole family one by one and now I can see their souls in this mansion. But unlike me they have became part of her completely.”

Rohan gasped in fear said, “That is cruel.”

Grandfather, “That’s not all do you know why she killed me. I was the head priest of the village, I always used to saw a dark aura coming out of her. First I thought it was my low vision. But one day, I saw her kill and eat the Satyaki’s father near school ground. I saw her evil form so I started chanting Shiva Mantra in front of her. The noise attracted everyone. I almost exorcised her. But due to the previous chief Rajan who disturbed me in the ritual, who thought we are hurting his wife, she fled from there. In return, she killed me in my sleep after one week and made people forget about me, you were only three years old then. She then also killed Rajan and his whole family because she started liking Satyaki. After that she killed Satyaki’s wife and took her place, made Satyaki the chief. So you see she did everything according to her will. Her memory altering powers are not ordinary. There are almost six times people discovered her identity and she made them forget every time. But this time I think she will kill every one of them.”

Rohan, “Grandpa we have to exorcize her and save everyone.”

Rohan’s grandpa again lifted her and started to run and said, “We can’t do anything. If she came in her full potential we are all doomed. She is a prime evil. But when she gathered all her powers her attention will be away from the mansion and it will revert back to its original broken down form. At that time I will throw away from the mansion, wherever you land don’t look back, run towards the villager and tell them to run. I will keep her busy.”

Rohan wiping his tears said, “Grandpa, Atul uncle and Rekha aunty died to save me and I can’t even do anything to save them.”

Grandpa, “It is the lord’s will. Maybe in future you will find a way to kill her. Don’t forget about me.”

As grandfather said, the mansion turned into its original ruined state and Rohan can see from far that the villagers were coming with torches to destroy the mansion. Rohan’s grandfather run towards the front gate of the mansion and tried to throw Rohan. Almost immediately Rohan’s grandfather was bound by ropes and Rohan fell down on the ground.

The mansion revert’s back to its majestic form and Rohan found himself in the very first room where he started. His grandfather was knelling down by the ropes coming from the underground. All the eyeless spirits looking at them standing all over the room and laughing at them. All of the spirits suddenly fly towards the first floor and Ashwini appears from there. As the number of spirits increase Ashwini’s appearance became more demonic. Rohan lost his composure and fainted almost, so he fell down but then he stood up once again.

Rohan screams toward Ashwini, “Who are you really? How did you become so powerful? You’re memory altering power, how is it so strong?”

Grandpa, “Please let him go, he is my only grandson, my bloodline.”

Ashwini laughing maniacally, “Planning to leave, you think I am not hearing what you’re saying, you’re not inside the mansion. You are inside me. As for you Rohan, you are acting tough suddenly. You want to know who I am. I am the queen of Nababganj, the wife of king of Midnapore.”

Grandpa, “Don’t tell lies demon. You were just a mistress; you were killed by the real queen. I am trapped here for last 10 years, I know about.”

Ashwini, “Silence, yes I was the mistress and I was the favourite of the king. My king made this mansion for me. I used to have so many farm animals here. When queen knew about me, she became jealous and sent soldiers who beheaded me right in front my farm and kept my head on a spike to show all the Nababganj. All my farm animals were taken from me. My bodies, eyes were eaten by dogs and wolves. I could not cross over to the afterlife. But then I met with someone who gave me power with which I started to consume souls and people. Over the time, the village grew. A school was made on where my farm was. That place was very dear to me."

Slowly and steadily I became the queen of Nababganj once again. Whoever defies me, I keep their remains exactly where mine were kept. Priest you were one of the very few people blessed with talents. I saved your soul for someone special. Now I found your grandson who has the very same gifts. Your souls will give my king so much power when he arrives.”

Rohan, “Who is it?”

Ashwini, “Oh, look the kid is so curious.”

As Ashwini continued her tale, she shifted into a 40 meter huge monstrous being—half-human and half-centipede, with a distorted demonic face and horns and large teeth. She had two giant hands and her centipede half was crawling with many sharp legs. Her skin was made from the skin and flesh of the people she ate as Rohan can clearly see her victim’s faces, heads, hands, and legs sticking out from her body.

Ashwini, “I am collecting all my energy for the upcoming war, for my king, the conqueror of all mortals and immortals, the king of all demons. He gave me power and in future, I will be his queen.”

Rohan smirked and said, “It is impossible”

Suddenly Rohan fainted down and a man wearing blue T-shirt and black leather pants came out from him with full speed towards Ashwini’s towering body. Ashwini punched him with all her might and the man fell down on the ground a bit far from Rohan and his grandfather. Grandfather held him after being released by the ropes. The mansion started to again transform into its original ruined state and majestic state. A broken pillar and wall fell down on the man.

Rohan’s grandfather, “Rohan, are you allright. You were possessed by an evil spirit. Rohan, talk to me please.”

The blue shirt man lifted both the pillar and the walls very easily, stood up and threw them away. He said, “Don’t worry grandpa, he is fine, he is just tired from everything today. So Ashwini, did you really meet him.”

Ashwini laughing loudly, "yes, I did. Who do you think gave me this power? I did sense someone in the village, shielding Kartik and his family. But you are very good at hiding your presence, I must say. But enough chitchat."

Ashwini started to attack furiously, throwing punches towards the man. The punches created earthquakes that were even felt by the villagers who were just a little bit away from the mansion. With its tail end of the body Ashwini wrapped him and went to bite and eat him. Suddenly the man punched Ashwini’s face and jumped and landed in to the ground.

The man said, “Enough, I understand surprise attacks does not work on you. But I have other methods.”

The man closed his eyes, claped with both his hands and drew a sword from the palm of his left hand. The sword had a shining silver colour and emitting a blue aura. The sword was attached with chains coming from his back. He started chanting which echoed in the whole mansion, “He Chandrahaas, triloke balishthah parakramah khadagah, Mam oorjam grihan, atmanam pooraya, sahayyam kuru dushtam nashaya nirdosham cha rakshatu.”

Thunder and fire starts to come out of the sword which even made Ashwini afraid. So she tried to attack before the man strikes. The man launched several chains from his back and wrapped Ashwini, which reduced her momentum. The man opened his eyes and it was very bright bluish with vapour coming out of it. Suddenly he struck Ashwini, slashing her left centipede legs. Then he flew above and cut her left arms. Ashwini fell down on the ground which created a huge quake.

She screamed in pain and said, “Who are you? Why are you doing these?”

The villagers, although became slower due to the quakes, but still came forward to deal with Ashwini with all the courage they have. All of them chanted “Har Har Mahadev.” This causes even more agony to Ashwini, as she with all her remaining powers tried to attack and eat Rohan and grandfather with her other hand. But the swordsman understanding this, cut her other arm and bound her with more chains. From far the swordsman also notices Satyaki with a Trishul and became amazed.

The man floating above said, “Look at that. People with no powers, rising against you. Mortals are brave. You will be purged according to their will. This will send a massage to Mahisa.”

Rohan’s grandfather held Rohan and saved him from the impact of the fight.

The sword from the man’s hand transformed into a trishul and started to emit more aura. He jumped down and about to pierce Ashwini in her heart. Ashwini in her final time saw a faint image of Lord Shiva, became calm and accepted her fate. The trishul ripped open her entire upper body. Ashwini screamed in pain as a huge blue luminescence orb came out of her. All the souls including Atul’s family that were trapped by her got released as they started to levitate above and faded away. A rift in the ground opened for a fiery pit. The chains dragged Ashwini into it as she screamed. The man took the orb and absorbed it into his palm as his weapon changed into a sword again.

Rohan came back to his senses and saw Ashwini going to the fiery abyss. His grandfather is also slowly starting to fade away. The man came to stand in front of them. Rohan’s grandfather was a little bit afraid of the man first, but seeing no malice from him made him feel at ease.

Rohan: "My head is hurting."

Grandpa, “Rohan, I am leaving now.”

Rohan, “Wait, no, no grandpa, grandpa, don’t leave me. Please no.”

Grandpa held Rohan and said, “Listen to me Rohan. I do not have much time. You saw how walking on a path of evil leads to right. So remember this always walk in the path shown by the lord Mahadev. The day you were born was one of the happiest days of my life. When I was trapped, the only thing that kept my hopes up was the safety of my family and you. Live your life, be happy and protect your family. I will be watching over you.

Rohan’s grandfather faded away. Tears started falling from Rohan’s eyes. But Rohan wiped it and look at the swordsman.

Swordsman: "I'm sorry for the trauma you endured. I had to wait for her to come at her full potential, only then I could have cut her and take all her powers away. That’s why I have been in the village for last two days. Possessing people to know what is going on. I think your village doctor got in trouble because of me. But that’s over now.”

The Mansion began to tremble. Ashwini’s dark powers kept the Mansion from being destroyed completely. So the Mansion began to fall as she went to hell.

Swordsman: "No time to talk. Let’s go let’s go."

The mob reached outside the Mansion. They were ready to burn it down, but as they prepared to do so, the Mansion crumbled before their eyes. Rohan emerged from the rubble, and the villagers rushed to help him, taking him to his mother. Tears of relief flowed as they embraced their son.

As Balaram and Satyaki asked Rohan what happened, Rohan vaguely answered as the man whispered in his ear, that it was the people who chanted Shiva mantra that made Ashwini very weak and killed her.

Satyaki calls Balaram to properly spread the holy water around the place and purify it. Satyaki decided to make this place as the new healthcare centre. The place that killed and trapped souls was about to become a centre for treating the villagers. The villagers at first were sceptical of what Rohan said but after Balaram spread the holy water all of their doubts vanished.

As Rohan reunited with his family, the satyaki announces for celebration. The villagers celebrated, finally free from the malevolent force that had tormented them for so long. Rohan saw the swordsman from very far watching people celebrating, so he approached him.

Rohan, “Were you the person I saw in the tree. You whispered in my ear right.”

The swordsman laughed and touched his shoulder and made him everything. Rohan suddenly had vision how he was flying in the sky and observed a dark aura coming from this village, how when he landed he found Anjali’s remain and became concerned, how he possessed Kartik and investigated the whole village, how he was saving kartik’s family from uprooted trees, trying to find the evil in the village at the night Anjali died, how he posed as Rohan’s conscience and warn him and talking with him in his dream to give him courage, absorbing Ashwini’s dark aura from him and kartik so they remember everything about anjali’s death, holding his hand when Ashwini dragged him down, alert Balaram by possessing him in temple and then went back to his body again and whispering him.

Swordsman, “I am also a spirit but my possession game is not that good. And I was also busy saving Kartik and creating a safe passage for him. Because of that I could not come to save your teacher in time. I am not that powerful you know.”

Rohan: "what will you do now? Where will you go? Please stay with us, what will we do if she comes back?"

Swordsman: "she won't, man I love your village, but I can't stay here i have to be someplace else too, save some more people. That’s what I do. Remember good staying silent and afraid always gives bad the power to rule. Just see how that demon was startled by your grandfather. I hope you become like him. Ok man I am gonna leave now. Take care of yourself and your family."

Rohan, “But what if any other demon comes here?”

It was almost morning and the swordsman walks towards the sun. He looks back toward Rohan with his glowing bright blue colour eyes and a smirk saying, “God is always with you.”

The swordsman jumped very high and flies away. Everyone watched Rohan talking to himself and watching towards the sky, everyone thought it must be his unique way of celebration and remembering his grandfather Atmaram.


This story is part of a bigger story and a short episode of the swordsman’s life where he has to face off against evil spirits and demons, but to the people of Nababganj this was the freedom from a curse.

Who was the unknown warrior? What is his origin?

We will know from the upcoming chapters. As one story ends, another starts but good shall always conquer evil.


(To be continued)

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